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Can You Whiten Veneers?

Dental veneers can have a tremendous impact on the aspect of your teeth. What veneers do is enhance the appearance of your teeth, change their size and shape, and even help fix gaps between the teeth.

But, if you are thinking about getting veneers in Port Orange and want to have a gorgeous smile, you may wonder if you can whiten them.

Here’s what you need to know.

What Are Dental Veneers?

Veneers are thin shells bonded to the exterior part of your tooth with the scope of enhancing and restoring the shape and color of your natural teeth.

Veneers do not replace missing teeth; they just improve the aspect of your natural teeth.

Dental veneers are usually made out of porcelain or composite resin. They are low maintenance, and look and feel just like natural teeth.

Can You Whiten Dental Veneers?

One of the differences between porcelain and composite resin veneers is that the porcelain ones are very resistant to stains.

Veneers do not stain like the enamel on your teeth does, but they can get discolored over time. The older your dental veneers are, the higher the chance that they will get discolored.

If you are tempted to try a whitening treatment for your veneers, it’s important to know they do not respond well to it and the best you can do is to talk to your dentist about it, and together you can find a solution.

What you can do with the help of your dentist, is to improve the aspect of your veneers. Veneers have a limited lifespan, and depending on how well you take care of them they can last even up to 20 years.

The treatment you might get also depends on the material the veneers are made of as they respond differently to the same treatment method. That is why having a conversation with your dentist is your best option.

How Can You Take Care of Your Veneers?

To make sure your dental veneers have a long and beautiful life, the most important thing you can do is to have proper oral hygiene. It’s nothing extra, just take care of them as you would with your natural teeth.

  • Brush, floss, and rinse daily
  • Do not use your teeth as tools
  • Be careful with biting and chewing on hard or sticky foods
  • Schedule regular visits with your dentist and keep your oral health in check
  • Do not use abrasive toothpaste
  • Avoid at-home whitening treatments

Dental veneers are amazing if you want to improve the aspect of your teeth. For any doubt you might have as to how to take care of them and make sure they last for as long as possible, talk to your dentist.

Interested in Veneers? Call Us!

You can also come and talk to us if you are considering veneers for your teeth.

At Smillie Dental, you can get cosmetic dentistry services done with the latest technology.

Contact us when you feel ready and we can schedule an appointment.

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