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When Do You Need a Root Canal?

Root canals are one of the most common types of dental emergencies and frequent procedures done in the Port Orange area.

But how do you know if you need a root canal? When is the procedure really necessary? Check out this blog post to find out!

What Is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a special procedure used to treat a badly infected tooth or a tooth with a very large cavity.

Tooth decay happens when harmful bacteria that are already present in the mouth break out tooth enamel and make their way inside it. Over time, bacteria will continue to attack the more vulnerable tissues in the tooth and multiply.

A root canal is designed to remove all bacteria and decayed tissue from a tooth, including what may be in the narrow chambers of the root, which are called the canals.

How Does a Root Canal Work?

A root canal is usually done in the following steps:

  • Tooth inspection: First, the dentist will take an X-ray of the tooth to determine the size of the cavity or infection. Sometimes, if the damage is severe, the dentist can recommend a permanent tooth extraction, as a root canal might not be enough to save the tooth.
  • Tooth cleaning: Then the dentist will numb your mouth and drill the tooth to reveal the bacteria. Then they begin to slowly remove it, along with the decayed tissues and even the nerves.
  • Disinfection: Removing all decay doesn’t mean the tooth is free of infection. The dentist will also apply a disinfectant to kill off any remaining bacteria.
  • Reconstruction: Once the tooth is cleaned and disinfected, the dentist seals the canals and the area behind it to rebuild the tooth. This can either happen with a simple filling or a dental crown if the tooth loses a lot of tissue.

Many root canals are done in just one visit. However, severe infections could also require antibiotic therapy, which can delay your root canal in Port Orange.

Signs You Might Need a Root Canal

Here’s how to tell if you’re dealing with a tooth infection and may need a root canal:

  • Severe pain and swelling
  • Sharp pain when applying pressure to the tooth (such as when eating)
  • Sensitivity to heat or cold
  • Abscess formation
  • Red and tender gums around the tooth
  • Cracked tooth
  • Loose teeth, etc.

If you notice any of these signs, you should see a dentist as soon as possible.

Reach Out to Smillie Dental Today

Think you might need a root canal? Then don’t wait.

If you’re in a lot of pain and discomfort, Dr. Joseph Smillie and Dr. Helen Smillie can see you right away for an emergency root canal.

Call them at (386) 317-4754 as soon as possible for immediate care.

If you need a regular appointment, you can request a visit to Smillie Dental online.

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